Welcome to Robertson County 4-H “The mission of 4-H is to help youth gain knowledge, develop skills, and form attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society.”
Welcome to 4-H Flyer

Not Enrolled in 4-H?
County Wide Teen and Honor Club
Meets on the first Monday of every month (except for Labor day, 2021) at the UT Extension Office at 6:00pm
Upcoming service project opportunity
Contact us about Operation Christmas Child which is an annual service project of the County Wide Club.
Recently completed service projects
The 4-H Honor Club and many other 4-H members helped place 6909 luminaries on graves at Memorial Gardens last December. The annual Christmas lighting was a wonderful experience.
- The Horse Club served at Paradise Ranch cleaning tack (bridles, saddles, halters) for their program.
- The County Wide 4-H Club packed 50 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. Global citizenship in action. And the project is ongoing for the 2021 year.
- Mrs. Beirnes class collected items for the victims of the tornadoes in Middle Tennessee.
- Mr. Hinson’s 5th grade club at Dayspring Academy cooked a meal for the WH police officers (approximately 50 people). They also got to tour the station and learned about the training that police officers receive.
County Wide 4-H Officers
President – Paige Nevil
Vice President – Allen Jones
Secretary – Aubry Mays
Recreation Leader -Preston O’Neil
Service Leaders – Brickey Cox & Brittany Palmore
4-H Links to Programs
Operation Christmas Child