Take your 4-H project to a competitive level – aspire for scholarships, trips, achieving goals, learning the lifeskill of record keeping, and more – by completing a 4-H Portfolio. Your portfolio will be a valuable and useful asset for teens applying for post-high school education, financial aid, and recognition.
We are here to help you start your portfolio. Your project work plus any leadership or citizenship activities you have completed are included in the portfolio. Click on this link to access the Tennessee 4-H webpage on Awards and Recognition. Guidelines and forms plus a powerpoint are available.
Teens in the 9th – 12th grades may attend either the spring or fall teen retreat, sponsored by the 4-H All Stars. The fall retreat will be virtual. In addition, any new All Star applications must be submitted by current Honor Club members in the 9th grade and up by October 19 to the county office. Details will be available at the UT Extension Office or go to the Central Region All Star Facebook.
Contact Ms. Sam Teets if you would like to be a Healthy Lifestyle Ambassador…..look for more information here about incentives and resources for 2021-22 participation.
Current Healthy Lifestyle Ambassadors: Allen Jones, Addie Cooksey, Aubry Mays and Camdin Eller.
Youth Leadership Robertson County

Youth Leadership Robertson County provides teens from across the county the opportunity to develop community awareness, leadership and citizenship skills. YL Robertson County is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce/REdI Initiative and UT Extension/4-H.
Interested teens who will be in the 11th grade in 2021-22 may complete the application and turn it in at the Chamber of Commerce office on the square in Springfield. Currently, plans for 21-22 Youth Leadership are on hold.
“Youth Leadership Robertson County helped me gain the necessary skills needed to be accepted into APSU’s President Emerging Leaders’ Program allowing growth opportunities which in turn can be brought back home to Robertson County.” – Jesse Brewer, Youth Leadership Robertson County Alumnus
4-H Health Rocks

4-H Health Rocks! is a drugs, alcohol, and tobacco program that teaches youth decision making skills, how to deal with stress and how to deal with peer pressure. Teens who are interested in teaching Health Rocks! lessons to 10-14 year old students, may contact Sam Teets at samjknig@utk.edu. Guidance counselors, health and physical education teachers will find the curriculum user-friendly and very flexible. Tennessee Teaching Standards have been applied to the lessons.
Contact Information
Sam Teets
Extension Agent I
(615) 384-7936
Timmy Mann
Extension Agent III
(615) 384-7936